Still, we advise Microsoft fanboys to stop their hopes from getting too high. Such market boost are only good for a short period of time and everyone’s bet is that the Xbox 360 will soon be down to its usual position. While recent sales were up almost 14,000 units, the console usually sells less than 3,500 units, well behind even the 7 years old PlayStation 2.
In addition, the Xbox won by a difference of only 239 console, which is anything but a solid advantage.
Still, some congrats are in order for the green console. Hopefully, Sony might’ve learned something out of this and will finally come back with some serious game to make the competition more interesting. And now, here’s the Top 10:
– Nintendo DS Lite: 78,552 (3.03%)
– PSP: 59,714 (0.13%)
– Nintendo Wii: 37,617 (36.78%)
– Xbox 360: 17,673 (375.34%)
– PS3: 17,434 (7.19%)
– PS2: 10,209 (12.73%)
– GBA SP: 206 (402.44%)
– Gamecube: 155 (167.24%)
– Game Boy Micro: 113 (76.56%)
– Nintendo DS Phat: 45 (50.00%)