Madden NFL 09 sold 2,958,000 units in the US, out of a total of 2,994,000. Sales in the rest of the world are, as expected, mostly insignificant, with UK selling 35,000 copies and Japan just 1,000.
The runner-up has things a bit more balanced: Wii Fit sold a total of 2,089,000 units. More than half was still based on the US market, but significant figures are being reported from the U.K.:(460,000) and Japan (346,000).
The bronze medal went to LucasArts’ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and its 1,738,000 troopers (U.S.- 1,417,000, U.K. – 321,000). Interesting enough, the Force game was not far away from Pokemon Platinum (1,482,000 units), a Japan-only release.
The last one in the top and really envious on Pokemon Platinum’s success is Mario Kart Wii. A total of 1,468,000 units. So near and yet, so far. 856,000 were sold in the US, UK pushed off around 394,000 boxes, while Japan’s final figures were of 218,000 units.