Pachter estimated that the PlayStation 3 sold around 290,000 units, 15,000 better than the Microsoft gaming device. As always for some time now, the hardware charts are still lead by the Nintendo consoles, with Wii bearing the crown and scepter and the DS coming close.

As a consolation prize for Sony, it’s worth noting that the Wii was outsold by the PlayStation products. By ALL the PlayStation products featured in the top 6:

1. Wii: 600,000
2. DS: 550,000
3. PS3: 290,000
4. Xbox 360: 275,000
5. PSP: 235,000
6. PS2: 160,000

Pachter said that the software sales have been of $830 million, thus going up 113% as compared to the same month last year. Whether he is right or wrong, we’ll know only on Thursday, when the NPD Group’s will release its videogame sales data for April.