– WoW & Burning Crusade in retail boxes
– Strategy Guides
– Behind the Scenes, "The Making of WoW" DVD
– WoW & Burning Crusade Paperback Novels
– WoW Audio Soundtrack
– Quest Envelope which includes a Blizzard beta key card w/ five keys used to access future WoW games, an upgrade certificate which allows customers to upgrade their accounts to a "Collectors Edition Account" enabling them to get a special in-game pet and a Golden Ticket which allows customers to get a pre-paid special custom action figure based on their own in-game WoW character.
On the hardware side, the XPS M1730 World of Warcraft edition laptop features DX10 SLI graphics, Extreme Edition Core 2 Duo processors, Dual RAID 0 7200 RPM HDDs, Wireless connectivity w/ built-in Mobile Broadband, Wireless-N, Bluetooth and Dell’s Wi-Fi catcher and the built-in Logitech GamePanel above keyboard. Blu-ray is optional.
Still, is this pack really worth $4,500?