"The wait is almost over," said Will Wright. "We’re in our final stages of testing and polish with Spore, and the team at Maxis can’t wait to see the cosmos of content created by the community later this year."

Previously, predictions regarding the release date were rather grim, “thanks” to one statement made by EA’s CEO John Riccitiello:

"We will tell you it’s got to be before the holidays. This is one of the titles we pay enormous attention to for all the obvious reasons and we are very, very bullish."

Basically, Spore had no actual release date, only a generic time frame, and everyone feared that meant the game would slip to 2009.

Knowing Electronic Arts and their love for sequels, as well as how prolific the Sims series were (and Spore is under the care of Will Wright, the Sims’s creator), we’re betting on several sequels to be under development as we speak.