The download was later disabled by the software giant. Langridge deleted his post and on Friday he explained everything in a new message – it was an update meant for internal testing, the final version will be out in the near future:
“Yesterday I blogged about an Office Mobile upgrade and then had to remove the posting. This was because in the final preparation our Product team posted an internal site that was not intended for public consumption and it was then immediately removed. A number of bloggers and Windows Mobile sites picked up on the post our web team made. I’ve had a number of questions relating to what happened to the link and when the upgrade will be available. Microsoft will put out upgrades for Office Mobile to support the new Office 2007 file formats in the near future. In the next few weeks you will see more information pertaining to the availability of this upgrade.”
The update will address a flaw that made it impossible for some mobile users to open Office 2007 files.
Fortunately for Langridge, he’s still a Microsoft employee.