In the mean time, users and privacy groups should take a break and prepare for the next wave of protests, since the social-networking site is still determined to impose its new terms. Only that this time, the new set of rules will be written in a plain language, easily understandable by everybody.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg writes:

“Our next version will be a substantial revision from where we are now. It will reflect the principles I described yesterday around how people share and control their information, and it will be written clearly in language everyone can understand. Since this will be the governing document that we’ll all live by, Facebook users will have a lot of input in crafting these terms.”

It may be very nice, but it seems that Facebook still fails to address the core of the problem. Should the company still keep rules that would allow to store users’ data for an indefinite period (even though the users have chosen to delete their Facebook accounts), then at least some people are sure to choose to leave the community.

Until the new rules are made public, Facebook users can send their feedback on a special group, called “Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.”