No details have been disclosed. remained silent, while Hulu issued a statement that does practically nothing to solve things out:

"Hulu has contractual rights with regards to our relationship with and we are exercising those rights. Out of respect for their confidentiality, we will not disclose our discussions."

Hulu, which is a joint venture between media giants NBC and News Corp, teamed up with the CBS-owned as a distribution partner. Back in those days, was nothing more than a website  with user-generated content, plus some random bits of professional-made content.

However, things suddenly must’ve changed for Hulu in January, when was relaunched and started marching towards the status of VIP TV portal. The number of unique viewers went sky-high and thus, turned the website into a threat to Hulu itself.

These being the conditions, it’s no wonder that all the Hulu-owned content on is shown only  as a short error message: "video not available"