“Give 1 Get 1 presents a terrific opportunity for the public to help eliminate poverty and make the world a better place by inoculating children against ignorance,” said OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte. “Additionally, Give 1 Get 1 is a means to trigger greater interest and commitment from governments of developing nations, as well as those of wealthier ones who wish to help the poorest and most remote children.”
Given its purpose, the Laptop has several special features, including:
– Rugged design and sealed case to make it water- and shock-resistant
– High-resolution screen that can be read in direct sunlight, as well as indoors in the dark
– Lower power consumption using only 5-10 percent of the average wattage of a normal laptop
– Can be powered by solar energy and human energy with pull cords and hand cranks
– Mesh (peer-to-peer) network that turns each XO into a full-time router connecting each laptop and allowing for easy Internet access
– No moving parts, except for rabbit ears (for the mesh network) and the hinge
– Runs on free, open source software
– Contains no lead, mercury, cadmium or PVC