According to figures from ComScore, Twitter had an increase of over 5 million visitors from February, or 131%.

ComScore’s Andrew Lipsman notes in a blog post that Twitter users do show o strong need of being informed. They appear to be visiting top online news sites significantly often than the average person:

“When I looked at the percentage of visitors to who also visited the websites of some of the top online news brands and compared it to that of the total U.S. Internet audience, I found a particularly strong level of overlap. The average Twitter user was often 2 and 3 times as likely to visit the top online news brands as the average person. For example, while 17 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience visited in March, more than double that percentage (38 percent) of visitors did so.”

Twitter also caught the headlines in recently, with numerous reports about the worm attack that comprimised over 190 accounts and generated around 10,000 spam messages.

It remains to be seen if Twitter’s staff will be able to defend the micro-blogging site from such mishaps in the future.