According to the networking giant, the US has a solid lead in this top spammers’ contest. Over 17% of all spam comes from America.

The runner-up in the contest is Turkey, but don’t be alarmed. The Us will remain the leader for quite some time, as the Euro-Asian country only produces around 9% of worldwide spam. However, chances are that the real fight will be among the second and third spot, with Russia coming rather close with 8%.
The rest of the top spamming countries are far behind:
– Canada 4.7%
– Brazil 4.1%
– India 3.5%
– South Korea 3.3%
– Germany 2.9%
– the UK 2.9%
In the end, Cisco comes with even more discouraging figures: 90% of all emails are spam. Any chance for a slowdown? No.