And speaking of war, there more more battles to be fought, with Gears of War 1 and 2, CoD: World at War and Battlefield: Bad Company Demo entrenched in the top ten. Love is missing altogether, but there are 2 music titles that should make it up for it:
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles
1 Halo 3
2 Call of Duty 4
4 Gears of War 2
5 Gears of War
6 CoD: World at War
7 Guitar Hero III
8 Battlefield: Bad Company Demo
9 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo
10 Rock Band
11 Fable II
12 Mirror’s Edge Demo
13 Madden NFL 09
14 BF: Bad Company
15 Rainbow Six Vegas 2
16 UNO
17 Castle Crashers
18 COD: World at War Multiplayer Beta
19 Forza Motorsport 2
20 Too Human – Demo
Two additional lists are available here.