“MySpaceIM with Skype is a truly groundbreaking product integration and partnership,” said Chris DeWolfe, co-founder and CEO of MySpace. “Skype has the leading technology in Internet voice communications and an enormous international user base that we’re thrilled to connect with our existing community. Our network has no geographical boundaries—Internet calling is the natural next step for how our members communicate with each other.”
MySpace will launch the new service in 20 countries with strong “localized” communities.
MySpaceIM with Skype will also allow users to purchase Skype’s premium products, including:
– SkypeOut – To make calls to landlines and cell phones domestically or internationally
– SkypeIn – A local phone number to receive calls wherever you are in the world from other people on landlines or cell phones
– Voicemail – To take voice messages when you’re busy or offline
– Call forwarding – To redirect incoming Skype calls to a landline or cell phone
At present time, MySpace is the world’s largest social network,with around110 million monthly active users, while Skype features about 220 million registered users.