"As residents living in a private road Plaintiffs had a reasonable expectation of privacy, as well as within their exclusive residence. The invasion of Plaintiffs was substantial and highly offensive to a reasonable person. Revealing this information has caused Plaintiffs mental suffering and diminished the value of their property."
However, it unlikely that a judge would view their case favorably. First of all, Google has included a long time ago a function that enables users to ask for the removal of certain pictures, a thing the couple chose not to do.
The case holds even less water when adding the fact that photos of the house in question are featured on the Allegheny County real estate website, as well as the names of the owners.
Last but not least, the law allows the publication of images depicting something that can be seen from a public area (city-owned street, for instance), so there’s hardly a case of invasion of privacy.
At present time Google chose not to comment on the validity of the case.