"Blog It is one of the few applications that takes content created inside Facebook and makes it available for use outside Facebook," said David Recordon, Open Platforms Tech Lead at Six Apart. "Blog It users are able to update their personal blogs, business blogs, online journals, Facebook status, or Twitter or Pownce activity all from one central environment. This is a concrete step away from the silos and walled gardens of the past and toward the open web of the future."
“By bridging the gap between blogging and social networking, Six Apart brings social tools to bloggers all over the web no matter the publishing platform they use,” Recordon added. “Blog It is a power tool for bloggers who want to spread the word to their friends and colleagues about the content they’re creating.”
In order to get to use it, bloggers need to add the Blog It application on Facebook and setup their account details.
Additional information (including a video intruction to Blog It) is available here.