According to Google’s annual Zeitgeist list, 2007 has been a year during which people felt much closer to technology and the new media than before. Besides the already-crowned iPhone, the top also includes social-networking site Facebook at number 3 (which, incidentally, has been making a few headlines this year) and everyone’s favorite video-sharing site YouTube at number 6.

Online mania Second Life ranked 8th, followed by one step lower. The complete top goes as follows:

1. iPhone
2. Badoo
3. Facebook
4. Dailymotion
5. Webkinz
6. YouTube
7. Ebuddy
8. Second Life
9. Hi5
10. Club Penguin

In the mean time, it seems that yesterday’s top searches are going into retirement. The former-popular Kazaa is now the 5th fastest falling search terms, with “’MP3” being the 10th.

Leaving the current trends aside, researchers also point out that several terms have been, are and will most certainly continue to be a significant amount of the overall searches:

"Particularly interesting were some of the timeless themes, such as ‘what is love?’, ‘who is God?’ and ‘how to kiss’. No matter how much changes over time, these seem to be constants," said Susan Straccia, Google Zeitgeist team member.