The staff reduction program will hit the sales and marketing organizations, the company announced.

“Google has grown very quickly in a very short period of time. When companies grow that quickly it’s almost impossible to get everything right—and we certainly didn’t. In some areas we’ve created overlapping organizations which not only duplicate effort but also complicate the decision-making process. That makes our teams less effective and efficient than they should be. In addition, we over-invested in some areas in preparation for the growth trends we were experiencing at the time.”

“Making changes of this kind is never easy—and we recognize that the recession makes the timing even more difficult for the Googlers concerned. We did look at a number of different options but ultimately concluded that we had to restructure our organizations in order to improve our effectiveness and efficiency as a business,” writes Omid Kordestani, Senior VP, Global Sales and Business Development

Apparently, each person getting the pink slip will be allowed to try and find another position at Google. In addition, the company will provide outplacement support and severance packages for those who leave the company.